报告题目:Consistent Two-stage Multiple Change-point Detection in Linear Model
报告时间:2016年3月31日 下午16:00
报告地点:数学九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站509室
报告人: 金百锁 副教授
金百锁,中国科学技术大学副教授;01年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学, 06年获得中国科学技术大学统计学博士,先后在台湾国立中山大学(1年)、加拿大约克大学(6个月)、新加坡国立大学(1年)、新加坡南洋理工(4个月)等访问研究。主要研究方向,高维数据、模型选择、大维矩阵、试验设计、变点统计推断等。
Topic:Consistent Two-stage Multiple Change-point Detection in Linear Model
Abstract: A two-stage procedure for simultaneously detecting
multiple change-points in linear models is developed. In the
cutting stage, the change-point problem is converted into a model selection problem so that a modern model selection method can be applied. In the refining stage, the change-pointsobtained in the cutting stage are finalized via a refining method. Under mild conditions, consistency of the number of change-point estimates is established. The new procedure is fast and accurate, as shown in simulation studies. Its applicability in real situations is demonstrated via well-log and ozone data.