报告题目: Modeling high-dimensional time series
报 告 人:史晓平 助理教授
举办单位:数学九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站
报告简介:Modeling high-dimensional time series is necessary in many fields such as neuroscience, signal processing, network evolution, text analysis, and image analysis. Such a time series may contain unknown multiple change-points. For example, the time of cell divisions can be accessed using an automatic embryo monitoring system by a time-lapse observation. When a cell divides at some time point, the distribution of pixel values in the corresponding frame will change, and hence the detection of cell divisions can be formulated as a multiple change-point problem. In this talk, a powerful graph-based change-point detection is introduced.
报告人简介:史晓平,2002年毕业于重庆大学应用数学本科专业,而后加入合肥工业大学担任助教职务,2008年获得中国科学技术大学概率统计硕士学位, 随后赴加拿大约克大学攻读统计博士学位并于2011年获得博士学位,紧接着在多伦多大学从事博士后研究,随后分别在约克大学和圣弗朗西斯·格扎维埃大学任教,2016年加入坎卢普斯大学至今担任助理教授职务,主要从事分布近似,复合似然推断,变量选择,基于图论方法的变点检测,以及图像的去噪。