苏敏,女,教授,博(硕)士生导师。2004年毕业于兰州大学数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士学位;2009年毕业于兰州大学应用数学专业,获理学博士学位。2009年加入九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站,期间曾到加州大学伯克利Integrative Biology系做访问学者一年,南京师范大学地理科学九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站从事博士后研究。主要研究兴趣是:结合微分方程、统计分析及数值模拟等方法探讨宿主-寄生网络结构与进化动态、生态网络稳定性与适应性动态等领域的工作,研究成果发表在Communications Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Physica A, Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Modelling等国内外专业期刊上。
1. Su M, Chen XW, Hui C, 2024. Persistent biological invasions alter ecological network topology, impacting disease transmission during community assembly. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 595: 111950.
2. Su M, Ma Q, Hui C, 2024. Adaptive rewiring shapes structure and stability in a three-guild herbivore-plant-pollinator network. Communications Biology, 7: 103.
3. Ma Q, Su M, 2023. Herbivore-induced pollinator limitation increases community stability of mutualism-antagonism continuum. BioSystems, 229: 104929.
4. Su M, Jiang ZJ, Hui C, 2022. How multiple interaction types affect disease spread and dilution in ecological networks. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 862986.
5. Su M, Yang KJ, 2022. Effects of predator modulation and vector preference on pathogen transmission in plant populations. Biosystems, 222: 104794.
6. Su M, Yang YQ, Hui C, 2020. How intraguild predation affects the host diversity-disease relationship in a multihost community. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 490: 110174.
7. Su M, Yang YQ, 2020. Parasite richness and network architecture jointly affect multihost community composition. Physica A, 540:123213.
8. Zhao ZH, Hui C., Plant R, Su M, Carpenter T, Papadopoulos N, Li Z, Carey J, 2019. Life table invasion models: spatial progression and species-specific partitioning. Ecology, 100(5), e02682.
9. Zhao ZH, Hui C., Plant R, Su M, Papadopoulos N, Carpenter T, Li Z, Carey J, 2019. The failure of success: cyclic recurrences of a globally invasive pest. Ecological Applications, 29(8), e01991.
10. Su M, Chen G, Yang YQ, 2019. Dynamics of host-parasite interactions with horizontal and vertical transmissions in spatially heterogeneous environment. Physica A, 517: 452-458.
11. Su M, Boots M, 2017. The impact of resource quality on the evolution of virulence in spatially heterogeneous environments. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 416:1-7.
12. Su M, Hui C, Lin ZS, 2015. Effects of the transmissibility and virulence of pathogens on intraguild predation in fragmented landscapes. Biosystems, 2015, 129: 44-49.
13. Su M, Wang H, 2015. Modeling at the interface of ecology and epidemiology. Computational Ecology and Software, 5(4): 367-379.
14. Su M, Lin ZS, 2013. Dynamical complexity in a predator-prey eco-epidemical system. International Conference on Systems Biology, page 6-9, Huangshan.
15. Su M, Hui C, 2011. The effect of predation on the prevalence and aggregation of pathogens in prey. BioSystems, 105: 300-306.
16. Su M, Hui C, 2010. An eco-epidemiological system with infected predator. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, page 2390-2393, Yantai.
17. Su M, Li ZZ, Li WL, Zhang FP, Hui C, 2009. The effect of landscape heterogeneity on the host-parasite dynamics. Ecological Research 24: 889–896.
18. Su M, Hui C, Zhang YY, Li ZZ, 2009. How does the spatial structure of habitat loss affect the eco-epidemic dynamics? Ecological Modelling, 220: 51-59.
19. Su M, Hui C, Zhang YY, Li ZZ, 2008. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Epidemic Transmission in a Predator-Prey System. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70: 2195-2210.
20. Su M, Zhang YY, Hui C, Li ZZ, 2008. The effect of migration on the spatial structure of intraguild predation in metapopulation. Physica A, 387: 4195-4203.
21.高志灵,苏敏,江正俊.高阶相互作用对宿主⁃寄生群落动态的影响. 生态学报, 2021, 41(7): 2886-2894.
22.王红,苏敏,潘峰. 寄生对集团内捕食系统中物种入侵的影响. 生态学报, 2016, 36 (15): 4809-4815.
24.李文龙,苏敏,李自珍. 集水灌溉和施肥对半干旱区春小麦生态位适宜度和产量的影响. 农业工程学报,2010,26(4):42-48,(EI).